independent portrayal for the seven deadly sins verse


𝓙ust tell me where I need to be and I'll be 𝓣here.

No matter how strong someone is, being alone can be pretty scary.

AGE : 43BIRTHDAY : 4/5
GENDER : Femaleshe / her pronouns
SPECIES : Human 
HEIGHT : 5'2WEIGHT : 100 lbs
SKIN : PaleBUILD : ill like/thin
EYES : RedHAIR : Pale Blue

becoming more than what you were destined to be takes immense strength.

In the same rundown home as two boys, a baby girl was born to neglectful parents. Frail and sickly from birth, she couldn't handle the abuse of her father and so she was protected by her eldest brother many times, some days protected by her other brother. As she grew older, the eldest disappeared from her life, causing her to ultimately cling to the only other sibling she had left. Kilia grew sicker, paler, and whenever she followed Ban, there were nights she'd become too lost to find her way home again. She grew older, four years old and finding that she may not survive. She clung even more to Ban, wanting to spend as much time as she could chasing hopeless dreams before she came to die young.Their family was naturally cursed, she knew from a young age, and she didn't want to die and leave Ban alone in this world to fend for himself. Her wishes were heard when a day came where her eldest brother, Bors, came back to Ravens, snatching up a coughing and tired girl without hesitation. When he couldn't find Ban, he would leave him all alone with their parents. Feverish and sad for him, the last thing she could recall of her life in Ravens was the tears on her face as she cried for the brother she may never see again.For the next ten years Kilia grew up in the kingdom of Malachia, raised by men who trained themselves to become whole, divine servants for the Goddess race. She, too, was trained to become such a thing. Rather she was trained to protect her brother for she was not a devout believer of the Goddess clan. Some days she would see Bors, but many days they were separated, being trained to carry out the duties that they had been force fed their entire childhoods since entering the church. Day by day her personality chipped and frayed, mind on the verge of a collapse as days went on with rigorous training and e n d l e s s sermons that went in circles with what was and what wasn't. Many times, did the girl cause problems, tormenting her brother here, pranking her teachers there, and overall becoming a nuisance to the attendees of the church. These bratty behaviors and childish actions led Kilia to enjoy herself again despite it making her mentors furious. As months dragged on into years, she lost most of her interest in pursuing what had been given unto her and the purpose of protecting Bors, their so called "chosen devotee". She was alone, she realized, and she would remain alone. Although Bors was there physically, it felt that he was more interested in his studies, his purpose to be a vessel, and pushed her off to the side while in his perspective, he just wanted to ensure them the roof over their head and food in their stomachs by doing what their hosts asked of him. Though, she could tell he was already lost to their beliefs.Upon reaching adulthood, Kilia ran away simply because the feeling of being alone amongst so many people was driving her madder than anything else that continued to disappoint her. For years as she traveled, she couldn't help but feel guilt gnaw away at her from the inside. Her impulsive actions would soon come back to destroy her. News of Malachia's destruction spread through the grapevine throughout Britannia to eventually find its way to her ears. The worried woman couldn't bear to return even to see the wreckage herself. What if Bors had passed? What if ... he hadn't? What would she say if he blamed her? Could she have even done anything to prevent the outcome? She was supposed to be his protector but, she hadn't believed in all that and now? Who did this, and why, and how - the questions drowned her. Ultimately, she decided it best to continue on her travels and ignore every piece of gossip that whispered through taverns across the continent.The clues life laid for her to find one brother were starting to plant themselves before her, a stepping stone path that grew longer and longer. Part of her denied that these rumors actually referred to the brother that they had abandoned all those years ago in Ravens, but a part of her hoped that after all this time, he had managed to survive as well even if he was being deemed a criminal of the highest degree by the continent. As for Bors, well ... there hadn't been hide nor hair of him anywhere. It was becoming easier and easier to believe that he had passed during Malachia's fall.

strength comes from courage and courage comes solely from the heart and soul.

✸ ✸
Magic : 800
Strength : 294
Spirit : 2,713
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Kilia's unique magical ability is,
Boost : [ ブースト - Būsuto ] allows her to boost the overall power level of everyone within a five hundred meter distance by one hundred percent. If she desires to use it on herself, her own magical power level is boosted by forty percent. When she boosts her own power level, her overall power reaches 6,091 but she can only maintain it for a bit of time.
Deflect : [ そらす - Sorasu ] is exactly as it sounds. A nifty magical ability that allows her to deflect magical attacks from physically harming herself or those she grants protection.Tendril : [ 巻きひげ - Makihige ] gives her the ability to create a number of personal tools from tendrils of pure light with the properties to purify or banish evil abnormalities or magic. They are as follows :

  • Purity Sword : [ 純刀 - Jun katana ] is a sword made of pure light tendrils that delivers critical blows to all sorts of creatures from the Demon race. It is just as effective on people as it is still a sword.

  • Heavenly Eagle : [ 天の鷲 - Ten no washi ] is also made of tendrils. This eagle is more often used to gather information, but it is also helpful for distractions and snatching things when people are not paying attention.

  • Binding : [ 拘束 - Kōsoku ] completely traps the target in restricting tendrils of pure light. Effective for keeping the bad in so it cannot escape.

  • Mind Link : [ マインドリンク - Maindo rinku ] is somewhat similar to the spell bead that allows one to project their voice over a large area, but her Mind Link allows her to establish a mental connection to speak. The person or persons must be within two hundred feet for her to establish the connection by the connection of one of her tendrils from her being to theirs.

While her magical abilities are numbered for supportive combat, Kilia is a mildly developed fighter.Her time in the church was well spent in this department. She is trained to protect at all costs, even if it inflicts harm upon herself ( which she hasn't truly grown out of ). Her durability is quite astonishing to witness as she throws herself into battle even being as frail as she is. She's known to never truly back down which the church used as potential. Truly, she's a formidable opponent to face as she is never "down on her luck".